¿Cómo funciona un campo de refugiados? ─ Haztelalista

Creados para dar cobijo durante un tiempo determinado a quiénes han tenido que dejar su hogar por conflictos armados y violentos, la vida en los campos de refugiados supone un reto diario para la supervivencia de todos los desplazados. ¿Cómo es la vida dentro de estos campos?

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Vídeos utilizados (cc):

Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/b_2JktYJcbY
XPRIZE https://youtu.be/688FJQLzeNM
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/ydmRNOG5oB0
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/y7vHcHySZMg
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/uCqcJDYijKQ
ONU Brasil https://youtu.be/F-D_3hlxLoo
ONU Brasil https://youtu.be/3XoyxJIWgGo
ONU Brasil https://youtu.be/Ql9bzrZ3HpY
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/MTs2AQegm0A
GLOBE Tv https://youtu.be/WCD3gLgbfIk
vlogbrothers https://youtu.be/8WSagdz-0Ac
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/KkKbi6YenPw
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/MTs2AQegm0A
Cars of Hope https://youtu.be/kIKl_r-fdCs
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/BVWR5ad2Lvo
Greens EFA https://youtu.be/f9m0kjJlVNs
Greens EFA https://youtu.be/t7oTHweKmY4
Andrew Daryl Gungadoo https://youtu.be/ZxWOGQznnhg
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/XubQv6VPdfs
EU in Turkey https://youtu.be/Y6bOCnzrlys
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/RaepYz6C4N4
IOM - UN Migration https://youtu.be/5HP-XewzIbI
vlogbrothers https://youtu.be/n2178SPJCKw
blogtalents https://youtu.be/U-nHcWxPywI
IOM - UN Migration https://youtu.be/PJVyzIB6imU
UNHCR-ACNUR https://youtu.be/IKBRuHWyAQ4
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/e8AK8W-hbgs
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/j0apgkAkVxI
Part of the Solution https://youtu.be/QuwJfXisFmc
stimulator https://youtu.be/yqa818gHtmI
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/-zMAICROFQ8
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/SXmTN8prHb8
vlogbrothers https://youtu.be/CDaPg3q7br4
umut uras https://youtu.be/ROD2id7-cNk
ONU Brasil https://youtu.be/eqkeS8mIGGc
MICT .OFFICE https://youtu.be/KOQXO6dE_dE
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/_jUNFF0H3qQ
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/X_HCLCH4KLo
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/eArAhpH5oso
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/hFMx-4QCY1Y
Costis Lieros https://youtu.be/L6-zzLtu3sQ
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/4a3BF0kLyxw
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/Vp1NeouZamo
Andrew Daryl Gungadoo https://youtu.be/OJ1PXlaLcao
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/b_2JktYJcbY
Quays TV https://youtu.be/NxA9RRojntg
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/wKETqvXR1-E
Quays TV https://youtu.be/NxA9RRojntg
Soul Welders https://youtu.be/RX761Y5WJ8c
Rise Foundation https://youtu.be/fz6rZIp8nMw
Border TV https://youtu.be/3M1qP4_G3Sc
Rise Foundation https://youtu.be/fz6rZIp8nMw
ADM Amsterdam https://youtu.be/EiPrz3-qrMs
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/ArLpGUQSfRY
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/wifuK8D6MH4
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/szMe3T6Tb6k
Doctors Without Borders / MSF-USA https://youtu.be/ydmRNOG5oB0
Direct Relief https://youtu.be/1SPNW0Qefus
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/NUUXVtyJS90
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/scRbjSqVcD0
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/3T8pqAsxIxA
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/6KVUdjnFoW4
Cruz Roja Española https://youtu.be/1xxG262txmg
lucify https://youtu.be/_TtBscARRzo
European Commission https://youtu.be/wW0moI4GYHc
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) https://youtu.be/GbMeG08j464Qasioun News Agency https://youtu.be/pTlxx6a1F1M
Enough is Enough TV https://youtu.be/JMCuc8yZR9Q
The Return https://youtu.be/PNi43lSmCkg
The United Church of Canada https://youtu.be/iGZrABNUnsw

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